Around this time of year, many people turn their thoughts to Valentine’s Day which, of course, falls on February 14.
We know this special day is all about romance, love and showing affection. But where did it all start?
Does it come as a surprise to mention the Romans? Because there’s an early iteration of Valentine’s Day with the mid-February festival of Lupercalia. During this fertility festival, young men would draw names of young women from a container. They would then be paired with them for the duration of the festival. It could even lead to marriage.
The Christian church tried to change the pagan roots of the festival, by making an association with a martyred Roman priest, St Valentine. But it was a flaky association! Details are scarce, and there are several references to different martyrs named Valentine. One supposedly defied Emperor Claudius II's decree banning marriages for young men by marrying couples in secret, another sent a greeting when in prison to a girl he loved, signing it “From your Valentine”.
It wasn’t until the Middle Ages that Valentine's Day became widely celebrated as a day of romance in Europe. In the 18th century, the tradition of exchanging handwritten notes gained popularity in England. These Valentine notes were usually adorned with symbols like cupid, hearts and flowers, with plenty of affectionate sentiments.

The Industrial Revolution brought mass-produced valentines cards, making the tradition more accessible to people across social classes.
For many years there was a tradition of sending anonymous valentines, especially during the Victorian era when handwritten notes were exchanged discreetly. This kept the receiver guessing! Did anyone ever receive an anonymous card at school? And did you find out who sent it?

Valentine’s Day has become much more commercialised in recent years, and it’s now pretty common for people to sign their names or include personal messages on the valentines they give to their loved ones.
Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated worldwide with various customs, including the exchange of cards, flowers, chocolates, and romantic gestures. One 'romantic gesture' could be the giving of a recycled candle heart! This not only makes a stunning, unusual gift, but also shows your commitment to the environment. A double win.
Recycled candle hearts are available in all our fragrances. Perhaps Rose & Oud is the most romantic fragrance, although Blonde Honey & Amber offers a sweet and soft scent that will add to the intimate mood.

And you know, not everyone has a Valentine to give a gift to. So maybe this year, you should treat yourself!